Thursday, January 22, 2009


Oskar coloring Elmo
I'm back again and hopefully will keep up with posting more often than once a year- ha. I usually share info/photos through facebook but this seems more thoughtful. This week has been great. Oskar and I have gotten out of the apartment everyday I think- thanks to our wonderful neighbors & friends who pick us up- thanks Gracie & Daniela!:) David was home sick for a few days last week so he has been going to school a bit more than usual this week in preparation for his upcoming senior show- April 3! He usually is able to spend some time with us either in the morning or evening- sometimes both:). Oskar likes to immediately show daddy what he's doing when he walks in- which yesterday was watching a youtube video of Elmo- so David walks in and Oskar points to the computer and says "Elmo!" It's adorable. Up until a few weeks ago, I was very into not letting Oskar watch TV on a regular basis and I do still feel that way, but I've loosened up a bit. We've watched Sesame Street together a couple of times and we have an Elmo book and I started letting him watch a couple of short youtube Elmo skits, partly because I love Elmo too:). I do, I think he's hilarious. I'm realizing just how much Sesame Street helped shaped my sense of humor growing up, perhaps I should get into puppeteering!  


Jason, Jenni and crew said...

awww...he's so adorable! i hear you on the TV thing. When Baysil came along, PBS was on a bit more than before. We love Sesame Street! (and Elmo of course!) Glad to have connected on here with you all...

studioGypsy said...

oh oh oh!! LOVIN IT!! you have to add the "subscribe" or "followers" gadget... so i won't "lose" your blog... easier to follow for me... it's in your layout section. LOVEYOU!! more later! xox

Laffin's said...

yay! welcome back

thatgirltina said...

yeah, i've been babysitting a ton lately, and i think sesame street is pretty awesome. kids really dig elmo a lot. mr. noodle cracks me up. i can't believe i'm commenting on this, especially since i don't even have kids. but anyway, i think sesame street is just about the best thing out YAY SESAME STREET!

David & Jonathan- Critical Mass Chicago

visiting the Kochs before we move to NY and they move to California:(

D's B-day, June- 6 mos pregnant!

phone fun

First solo show- January 2007