Friday, January 23, 2009

Make it home

Sledding with Dani & Milena

Winter, winter, winter.. As much as I was dreading this winter, it has been pretty great really. For the past week, Oskar & I have gotten out of the house everyday- woohoo! The best part is that we've been with other people too. It is amazing what a few hours of companionship can do:) My dear friend Dani and her baby Milena live about a block away so we get together with them at least twice a week. My other friend Gracie also lives very close and she picks Oskar & I up several times a week to get out with her & Parker. We are so thankful for these friends and there generosity toward us. It is still lonely being so far from family and friends, but I feel like I'm finally letting myself really dig in here. It took me a year & a half but I finally realized my need to be fully present wherever we live- even if I know it's temporary. So if you're reading this and find yourself in a "temporary" living situation - don't hold back! make it home- it may be the last home you ever know! 


studioGypsy said...

i'm with you, girl. so glad to hear you digging in and finding some souls to bond with. loveyou. praying for yous. big hugaroos. xoxo~L

Laffin's said...

I am glad you are making good friendships. Cute picture by the way

Davin Youngs said...

um update much?

David & Jonathan- Critical Mass Chicago

visiting the Kochs before we move to NY and they move to California:(

D's B-day, June- 6 mos pregnant!

phone fun

First solo show- January 2007